Why This Self-Care Tool Is Better Than Positive Thinking

Celebrity News

If you’re unsure how to reframe your mindset, Sarit shared her go-to practice.

“Every time you have an inner dialogue with yourself, end it with, ‘My love or my child,'” she said. “So, if I left my car in an area that doesn’t have parking and I get a ticket, and I start to say to myself, ‘I can’t believe I parked in the wrong spot…my love.’ It totally changes the whole thing.”

Sarit suggested doing this with every conversation you have with yourself.

“The way you talk to your child is different than the way you talk to yourself,” the Healer’s Collection co-founder pointed out. “You are just as valuable as any other human being, and you don’t have the right to talk down to yourself.”

Incorporating this self-care practice, she noted, will ultimately lead to positive thinking.

“You’ll slowly soften the internal conversations you have with yourself—being a lot more understanding, a lot more sympathetic,” she explained. “And think: ‘What would I say to my child? What would I say to the love of my life? Why am I different? Why don’t I deserve to be spoken to with respect?'”

Originally Posted Here…

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