The long-awaited third installment of the Jurassic World trilogy is finally upon us, with Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) and Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard) teaming up with the original Jurassic Park trio for a globe-trotting adventure. Jurassic World Dominion brings back Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler and Ian Malcolm (Sam Neill, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum, respectively) to a world where dinosaurs live among humans. Life finds a way, right? Critics have screened this legacyquel, and their reviews are in to tell us what to expect when the two Jurassic trilogies collide.
Audiences’ first reactions to Jurassic World Dominion’s screening were pretty harsh, with criticisms of the Colin Trevorrow project including lack of character development and being overall pointless (even without the inclusion of hybrid dinosaurs). Now the critics’ reviews are out to give us more context to those thoughts. Let’s check out what we can expect from this sequel when it hits theaters on June 10, starting with CinemaBlend’s review of Jurassic World Dominion. Eric Eisenberg rates the movie a paltry 1.5 stars out of 5, calling the plotlines bland and disconnected with a script that has no idea what to do with the legacy characters:
Alonso Duralde of The Wrap says just like in the movies, grafting two DNAs together proves to be a bad idea, and adding the stars of Jurassic Park into the Jurassic World trilogy only serves to highlight how uninteresting the more recent characters are:
Pete Hammond of Deadline, however, says there is fun to be found in the new sequel, if you can buy into the premise. This review says the visual effects and overall production are, as expected, first-rate, and the movie is quite an allegory for humans losing their grasp on what’s happening to our planet:
Sarah Musnicky of Nightmarish Conjurings says the movie has a fanfic vibe and loses focus pretty quickly. The addition of Sam Neill, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum only proves how lacking in heart and humanity this series has been, the review says:
Matt Singer of ScreenCrush rates the movie 3 out of 10, saying that not only does Jurassic World Dominion not answer its predecessor’s question about how humans and dinosaurs could co-exist, it doesn’t even try. It’s fun to see the Jurassic Park actors back together again, but their presence doesn’t really make much sense in the movie. In the end, this review says it’s just more of the same:
Even with its criticisms, Jurassic World Dominion is sure to be a box office win. If you’d like to see what happens when the original trio combines forces with our Jurassic World heroes (and find out what these locusts are about that the reviews keep mentioning), you’ll have the opportunity to do that soon! The blockbuster hits theaters on Friday, June 10. Be sure to check out our 2022 Movie Release Schedule to see what other films are coming to theaters soon!